Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Caturday

 We hope you all had a lovely Valentines Day and got to spend it with someone you love.
 Mum finally got home and got to bed just before 4am, and managed a few hours of snoozing.
 Our day had a chilly bite to it, and long pants and scarves were worn by mum and I stayed snuggled up on her bed.
 She went out and met a bestie for lunch, and to watch Wild at the movies, and they both enjoyed the movie.
Mum made a quick detour to the supermarket on the way home, had an easy dinner of leftovers and now will try a little nap before switching the on call cell phone on.

Kisses to you all xxxxxx


  1. What lovely hearts Poppy!x Really nice, thankyou!

    We've had the bad news over here about the Pilot Whales,
    this morning they said half of them have died...Waiting for
    high tide, to see if they can get them on their way.
    No one seems to know why whales and dolphins do that.
    Just beach themselves and die...Such a shame. Hope they
    can help the rest of them.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day! Autumn can't be rearing its head already, can it?

  3. Poppy, dear, for Valentine's Day I got kitty paw 'flowers' all over my newly washed car. Very pretty.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day Poppy and to your mum! We won't even tell you how cold it is here in Chicago! BRRRR!

  5. Happy Valentine`s Poppy and mum! We lubs all of your hearts, they are so pretty.

    We hopes the call phone doesn't wake mum and you too much.
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Happy Valentines Day Poppy and Mum.

  7. Wishing you a day filled with love and happiness, Poppy and Mum. Happy Valentine’s Day!
