Thursday, March 31, 2016


Lately, as of this week, I have moved on from my box.  It is still there, you can see it in the photos.  Now I am sleeping outside.  Every half hour or so, at least in the evening, I run run in from outside and jump on my mums knee at speed and perch myself there.  I spend about all of two minutes on her knee, and then I run run outside super fast.  Mum is pretty sure I spend my night on the deck, as when she has got up to go to the loo, I am  not about.  Mums friends cat is doing a similar thing too.  Maybe a last summer fling before the weather turns, and the weather is meant to turn to rain this weekend.

Mum did make me happy tonight though, I got a new packet of temptations opened - what a treat!


  1. Enjoy the summer weather while you can, Poppy!

  2. Lucky you Poppy!x
    And, you get a great view of the telly!
    Two minutes though..Do you only watch the
    adverts then..! :).

    Weather over here is back to a bit of sunshine,
    so, managing to get out in the garden, at least
    for a tidy up! I'm off for tea and a sticky bun
    out on the patio..! :).

  3. We smiled at the image of you zooming in and out, Poppy. Enjoy it while you can! (And the treats too, btw!)

  4. What do you hear, Poppy, dear? Are there birds migrating? Is there a storm brewing out at sea? My felines are also practicing their runs and leaps and bolts -- something's in the wind!

  5. poppy Q...N joyz yur summer while ya can ....may bee ewe can even take a spin in de car round town a wee bit....hit de local shopz, go two de yur self even MOR treetz !~~ ♥♥♥

  6. Ooo, tempty Temptations! I confess that I always have a packet of them under the beddy-bise pillows for Darling Megs pleasure in the wee small hours. Megs has trained her current human very well!!!

    Much love to you, poppet Poppy, and to your amazing Mum,

    Michelle, also in Wellington city, and doing my best to type with Megs between me and the key board, xxxx

  7. Enjoy your outside time while it is still nice. I like to sit by mum and watch the picture box too.
