Monday, March 28, 2016


I am still chilling in the box - mum says my MO though is to change sleeping spot as soon as she posts about it.  As the builders were still here (we believe that we are now up to day 8), I spend the days out under the deck and the evenings packing in all of my outsides inspections, checking for new smells.

Hope you all got some chilling done too.


  1. Day 8...Goodness Poppy!x That's a long time...
    How many windows are you having fitted! :).

    We had winds of 100mph over night, thought the roof
    was coming off! The wheelie bin was half way up the
    garden, this morning. Some of the Virginia Creeper
    had blown down, but, l've fixed that. Settled down
    now, and the sun's out, so might be a nice day!

    You look lovely in your box...Bless!x

  2. Poppy, dear, you do appear very comfortable in that roomy box! Day 8? Goodness, what a lot of inspections you've made -- and what fascinating smells you've discovered. Do you think any of the workmen have cats?

  3. I'm glad you have that box for comfort, Poppy. The builders seem to be taking their time, though I'll give them points for working on Good Friday and Easter.

  4. poppy Q...itz good ta keep yur mom guessin; keepz her on her toez sew ta speek......onlee thing roo teen shuld bee iz yur feedin time !! ♥♥♥

  5. I chilled, mum went day hunting.

  6. It is very important to check out everything after the builders have gone.
