Thursday, April 28, 2022

No Clue

 Mum has no idea what the plant is called.  Her brain has never been able to process plant names,  card games or chess.  She just likes to take photos of plants on her walk home, and even in deep autumn some are still beautiful. 

We are lucky that our days have been beautiful,  but the nights are getting chilly now.  It is the first time that towels are not drying on the line outside and need some time in front of the heater.  


  1. We have 28 degrees this morning and Frozen bird bath so I'm not real happy up here. But we have clear sky and this week we've had four days in a row of it wow. I'm not sure Cleo but I kind of think that that flower thing looks more like a porcupine. Make sure your mom doesn't get stuck on it.

  2. It is cloudy but humid here. I wish we had some chilly weather.

  3. I googled it and it says it is a Fatsia Japonica otherwise known as a paper plant. Whether that is right or not, I don't have a clue.

  4. That looks like ivy to us, but we are not experts! It does usually flower in the autumn.

    Tama and Benny

