Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 The sun was out for the day today, although it is still chilly.  Mum didn't have to start work until midday and appreciated a sleep in.  Then washing could be done in the morning and a leisurely brunch while watching her shows.  I sat in the garden for a while, to soak up some rays.

She stopped off and got some groceries after work at 8pm, as might as well get an uber home while it's dark and her arms are full.  Now she can come straight home after work on weds and thurs.  The local supermarket used to be open until midnight,  but now shuts at 10pm.  A bit frustrating for the hospital staff where most of our shifts finish at 11pm.  So mum now has to be a bit more organized. 

So after a late supper and a chat with mum, I'm napping on the bed.  Mum is watching a show  and putting the groceries away.  She's going to scrub her face, brush her teeth and comb her hair, then she's turning in ready to read her book for a while.


  1. Poppy, you look so good in that bright sunshine and that green grass. Things have just been off kilter for the last Almost 3 years. Don't know if we'll ever go back to the way it was before covid, and now the bad economy.

  2. Shift work must be so hard. Cold here this morning on the Coast

  3. I wonder if the new hours at the store have to do with saving money. What a bother for people who work three to eleven...
