Sunday, May 20, 2012

Heading Out

 When I am on a mission, I hurry out.........
 this is the side of our house, and mum was outside pulling weeds.
 Today was lovely and calm and sunny, and mum spent it at home with me, so that she didn't go out and spend any money.
 Me - I did spend a couple of hours out in the garden, sniffing out introoders who may have visited overnight.
Excuse me mum, I gotta get through and out to the front of the house.


  1. Wow, you were BUSY today, Poppy! Way busier than your human, apparently!

  2. Hi Poppy are the sweetest friend ever for coming by to visit me so often and leaving me such sweet comments. Mommy is a slacker and I do not get to come and comment much in the BC these days...I wanted to tell you that I treasure your friendship and hope you continue to have a wonderful life...I also got to go outside and hid in some grass just like you did...have to find those pictures and make mommy post them next week...
    With love from the cozy cottage of Miss Hunny Bunny

  3. I don't pull weeds if they are green. Green automatically means they get to stay. Green is good. :)

    I LOVE that red door! Is the doorknob in the center of the door?

    Have a lovely Sunday, ladies!

  4. We hope you and Mom had a great day outside!

  5. Talkin' 'bout intruders who came visiting during the night... did you see the intruder who visited me during the day? purrs

  6. Poppy, you look like a cat on a mission!

  7. You have to make sure you know where those intruders were!

  8. As all of us know, a kitty's job is never done. Glad your weather was fine.
