Monday, August 6, 2012

Blue Sky Birdy

We have had some blue warmish skies here lately, and mum gave the birdies some of our wholemeal bread, some apples and mandarins (not sure if they like citrus).  Lots of little birdies turned up for the picnic.  Me - I just watched.  Bird tv is the best.


  1. Your mum is feeding the birds....practically right in front of you. That smacks of undue cat hardship!

  2. Here, birdie, birdie. hehehe.

    Have a lovely day, ladies! I hope your skies are blue today!

  3. meowloz poppy....itz nice oh yur mom ta feed de burds...R mom doez de same thing but R ya reeely, reeely, reeely, REEEELY sure ya wanna watch em !!! ???


  4. Beautiful blue sky and birdie! Enjoy your bird tv, pretty Poppy. xoxo

  5. Lucky girl. We don't see any birdies. At 45C/113F it's too hot for them to fly.

  6. You just watched? How does that work? I don't think I could control myself!

  7. It was very nice of your Mom to feed the birdies so you could watch them!

  8. That is the best TV programme. We wish we could have some blue sky like that. We had flooding again yesterday.

  9. This is so pawsome. I bet you wish you could have some whappity paw action too!

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