Monday, January 9, 2017

Summer Garden

We were watching the news tonight and it showed all the snow in Europe and the United States  - you guys must be chilly.   So we thought you might like to see some pictures of the flowers in our garden.  I am in the bottom photo - can you see me?


  1. Ah! I love the summer flowers Poppy!x
    And, yes, l can see yoooooooo!!!x

  2. Yes, we can just see you there, Poppy! We love your summer flowers, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics!

  3. I was wondering if that was you, Poppy. Such a beautiful summer day. Yes, it does get cold here in southern Alberta. It's -29° right now, but it's supposed to get up to -19°, so that's not so bad. The new snowfall is the real problem when riding a bicycle.

  4. poppy Q....we can see ewe !!! but ya must bee like a million milez a way coz ewe iz thiz tinee {}♥♥♥ thanx for sharin yur flowerz....they bee awesum ~

  5. How lovely to see all your beautiful flowers. Right now when I look out my window it is a blizzard!
    Have fun in your garden!

  6. I see you Poppy! Your flowera are pretty. All of ours are brown and dead from the cold.

  7. We see you Poppy! That grass looks yummy and comfy too.

    Mom bean is so envious of the flowers. She and the bean brofur shovelled a few inches of the white stuff off the driveway after work.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. The flowers look nice, all cloudy, rainy and windy here today. Then going to get colder.
