Thursday, January 12, 2017

Try Something New Thursday - New Wallet

 Mum loved her bird wallet.  She had it for about 5 years, but finally it was beginning to fall apart.  Mum us trying to tidy up and clear out cupboards of stuff that has accumulated.   She was lucky though as a good friend gave her this beautiful new wallet as a gift.
Guess what?  It is called the Poppy Wallet!!  She is getting used to it and has thrown her old bird wallet out.


  1. Mom hates it when she has to change to a new wallet! Things just don't fit in the new one like they did in the old one

  2. How cool that your human has a wallet named after you!

  3. Will Mum let you use any of the credit
    cards Poppy!x

  4. Poppy, dear, I, too, dislike changing wallets because it's frightening not to see credit cards in their familiar places!

  5. Poppy, it's clear that YOU approve of the new wallet! We hope your mum comes to like this one just as much as her old one. :-)

  6. It's tough getting used to something new like that, especially something that is carried around with you all the time.

  7. My daughter got me a new wallet as a birthday gift. I too had my last one for years. Another gift from her!
    Now everytime I go to get money or a card out it takes ages.
    I'm sure we will soon get used to our new wallets and we will be fine again xx

  8. poppy Q....we due knot think any cat on de planit iz az happee az uz ta lurn yu mum tossed de burd wallet ....thanx be ta cod for small favorz ~~~~


  9. That;s a pretty pawsome wallet Poppy! And it's made more special when you give it some rubbins.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. That is a nice wallet, must keep the green papers safe.
