Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cat Beds I Have Loved Before

Mum went to visit friends this afternoon for a lovely lunch.  Their handsome boy Dust is resting on a well loved sheepskin rug, one that mum brought for me that I refused to sleep on. 

It is nice that other cats have got some joy out of that cat bed.  I prefer my plastic bag.


  1. You pussy~cats always find something comfy to
    sleep on Poppy!x
    But, l've seen pussy~cats sleep in the funniest
    places, and in funny positions..! HeHe! :).'ve had your plastic bag a while now,
    and you always look lovely on it..! Bless!x

  2. You *do* love your plastic bag, Poppy. Personally, we'll take the sheepskin. :-P

  3. Poppy, we think you should give this comfy bed a try or maybe put a plastic bag on top of the rug to sleep on. Dust is a very handsome boy in the photo. Thanks for sharing. Have a fun rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  4. I can see that Dust appreciates your gift very much, Poppy.

  5. It’s funny that you love a plastic bag more than a warm and fuzzy cat-bed, Poppy. But whatever makes you happy, right?
