Monday, October 7, 2019


Mum got called in again early this morning which gave her the day at home.  She was pleased to be able to share some afternoon sunbeams with me.

She also did some study.  She is doing a small online course on ancient Egypt.  She felt like learning something interesting.  It is only for 6 weeks and she us enjoying all the reading, but not looking forward to the quiz at the end.

So now to go to bed and read some more.


  1. ooooO! Poppy!x I love Egypt...
    And just last week, l've watched the repeats
    of Bettany Hughes..'Egypt's Great River'....
    Amazing programs..Four of them...

    Here's the link to the final episode, of four,
    it runs for 50mins..Mum will love it...

    And..this link will take Mum to the details of
    all the actual programs, and links to the other
    three programs..They should open alright....!

    Enjoy...! :o).

  2. Poppy, dear, has your mum told you about the interesting position cats held in ancient Egyptian culture? These distant cousins weren't as generously proportioned as you, and certainly lacked your fur's lush plushness --- but there's no doubt they would have appreciated your soft bed and well-stocked cupboard of Feast.

  3. poppy....werd on de streetz iz noe one liked quizzez...spesh a lee de onez that popped up N said

    SIR PRIZE !!!! :) ♥♥

  4. Mum takes classes, goes to lectures and stuff. Help keeps her brain working.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You wouldn't think that a course taken for pure learning would have a quiz, but I guess they want to make sure the students did learn. When I was a boy, I would have study projects all of my own, without being prompted by school; ancient Egypt was one. Learning is much more fun when you want to do it yourself.

    (Initially, 'quiz' auto-corrected to quizzicality, which I don't believe is a word, so I had to delete, so you wouldn't think I was making up words, quizzicalaciously speaking, that is.)
