Saturday, January 15, 2022


 Mum worked today with an early start.   Having to be at work by 7am means getting up before 6am and leaving by 6.20am.  She did not go to bed early enough last night.

So today on the way home she stopped off and got a burger.  Is 4pm too early for dinner?  Then she had a wee nap, shower and sat on the couch watching a classic   - Uncle Buck.  

We chatted about each other's days, brushed our hair and furs.  A good Caturday. 


  1. When you get up that early to get ready for work, when your stomach says it's suppertime and that's when you eat. No need to worry about what the clock says, because the tummy is the one that rules. At least it certainly does for kitty cats.

  2. Poppy, dear, I empathize with your mum's unease. When I worked odd hours in an airport, I felt "out of sync" with the 9-to-5, M-F, world, especially at mealtimes. I often ate at a restaurant favored by flight crews. One pilot always came here directly after landing. No matter the time, he ordered scrambled eggs with sides and when served he always said, "Breakfast, lunch or dinner, who knows? That's why the lord invented eggs." Bon appetit!

  3. We're glad it was a good Caturday. Whenever you get hungry is the perfect time for supper!

  4. Supper is good whatever time you need it. That was a long day for her.

  5. Whenever YOU are hungry is a good time for dinner, Poppy. :)

    We love "Uncle Buck!"

  6. My human eats when she is hungry... and has time!

  7. That IS a good Saturday, though it would have been better if your mum hadn't had to work. I liked "Uncle Buck". John Candy had a very erratic history of movies, but that was a good one. He seemed like a very nice man, regardless.

  8. Oh dear Poppy Q - you are having the dear old cat look now - how old are you??
