Thursday, January 6, 2022


 Mum was so impressed that tonight I ate 95% of my dinner tonight.  Usually I lick all the jelly/gravy off and go back later for a nibble, but usually only eat about 1/3 of a can of feast.  

So she's photographed the can, so that when she goes shopping she can buy more of this flavor.  This if course means that next time she dishes it up I'll turn my nose up at it. 

After days of hot sweaty weather today it was drizzling when mum went out for lunch.  The temperature dropped in the afternoon and mum has just put the heater on for me.  Tonight she'll actually be able to pull the covers up.  


  1. You certainly had some up and down weather for your summer. Now the heaters are on. That roast beef look like a good choice Poppy and maybe it'll be a good choice the next time your mum opens one.

  2. Happy New Year... I'm going to try and blog again... we will see. I've been reading along my fav blogs but plan to commnent more. I wonder if Poppy Q will remember this flavour when you buy it LOL. Wasn't it nice and cool to sleep last night... all but the mozzy when turned out light Love Leanne

  3. poppy Q.....yes, thatz rite, beef two day, salmon two morrow :) !! ☺☺♥♥

  4. I'm glad you liked this food... at least this once!

  5. Oh I am glad I am not the only one that goes to the supermarket with photos of cat food tins in my phone little Pops!! Yes its been horridly hot here but a fraction cooler now. We were promised lots of rain (80%) but we got 6 drops because I counted !!!! 😉😑

  6. Ha! I've used that trick myself for a kidney cat; fortunately, he did not turn his nose up at what I got. Be nice Poppy. Mum loves you.

  7. Yeah, some days I inhale what she serves. Others I take my time eating the same amount. Just depends on how I feel.

  8. Must say it looks yummy. Us oldies don’t need much to eat. We’re too busy sleeping. 😋

  9. Even when I buy a case of food and the beasts here refuse it, I keep it; their tastes often come around again.
