Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 I came out to keep mum company tonight while she watered the garden.   It looks green but it us beginning to dry out.  Thankfully this evening is a bit cooler.  It was too hot for mum to sleep last night.  She tossed and turned and finally fell asleep at about 4am.  She even avoided a nap this afternoon so fingers crossed she will get some rest tonight.

  She does have a fan but it's crazy loud.  In reality it is only hot overnight for about 6 weeks over the summer.   Like every year mum is considering a Dyson hot/cool fan/heater.  Does anyone have one?  Worth the price?  


  1. wavez two ewe & mum poppy Q; heerz two a happee healthee 2022...it waz bout...19 heer last nite... sew we will send ewe sum chill, and ewe send uz sum heet !! :) ♥♥

  2. It’s cooler here today. But very muggy. The wind has picked up and we are forcast for storms
    Hopefully it decides to rain so it can be all over and we can breath again.
    I’m starting to think I need gills

  3. The heat is exhausting. I don’t like the look of the new cylindrical fan being advertised. They say it is like ice blowing in your face. That’s too cold. I just have a round plastic one. The heat makes me sleep through even loud ipad 🤣 it’s trying to keep awake that’s my problem. I think Poppy would understand that. 🥵

  4. Dang, we are sorry it has been so hot, and that your mum is not getting good sleep because of it.

  5. I hate those hot nights. Have your mum go on-line and check out opinions about th Dyson product. I think it's supposed to be very good.
