Thursday, October 20, 2011

Outside Cat

Today I was just lying on my deck in the sun, thinking that I am lucky I gets to be an outside cat.  With a cat door, I can come inside and find my biscuits and mums soft bed for my afternoon nap, but really I loves the outside best. 

We hopes you all gets a taste of the outside, even if it is just having the window open.


  1. That's they only way we're gonna get sum outside. Mommy goes nutso over coyotes, roads, and such. We are strictly indoor kittehz. You look so playful on your deck, pretty Poppy. Enjoy! xoxo

  2. we never play outside. we're indoor cats + we live in an apartment :(

  3. Sometimes you are so cute you look like a stuffed toy. Enjoy the outside but stay safe, ok.

  4. You are lucky. I went out on our balcony the other day and I liked it! Chey

  5. WE are not outside kitties, but love to smell ans look out!

  6. I don't even get enough open windows here! We can't go outside because there are too many predators in our neighborhood, and if we had a cat door, creatures would come in and raid the kitchen - we've already had raccoons stealing the dog's food on the should-be-catio. So you are lucky indeed, Poppy!

  7. I love the inside best. But I do enjoy my time out on the balcony.

  8. Hola Poppie! Its nice to meet you. I wish I could play outside in the grass, but I live in a big city....purrs, Rio from Barcelona

  9. We're stuck staying in the enclosed bit of the yard when supervised, because our mum says there is too much traffic around. You're a lucky girl indeed, Pops.
