Monday, June 7, 2021


 Yippee mums night shifts are over and she is tired after 7 days of busy shift work.  She came home and talked to me for a bit, then she got a couple of hours sleep.  She got up for a shower and got dressed, and had a little walk round the garden with me and then she walked into town.

  She went to the movies to see A Quiet Place 2 at the movies.  A creepy movie meant mum didn't nod off and she enjoyed it.  She got some fried rice for her dinner and came home.   I got my feast and I went to bed.  Mum is nodding off now and is hoping to get some sleep tonight too.


  1. We hope you both rest well now, Poppy. Take care and have a good week. ♥

  2. Ah! Bless! So your a very happy young lady
    now Poppy!x
    Mum can relax a bit now, and nod off, l
    expect you'll join her l'll stop
    writing, don't want the clicking of the
    keyboard to wake you or Mum..! :O).

  3. A walk about the garden with you Poppy had to be her best reward for working so long.
    Glad she found a movie to keep her awake, but I don't like scary movies.
    Help her relax while mum is off work.

  4. poppy Q, glad mum haz finizhed her shift N dinner soundz grate; well two de food gurl, uz tabbies like YUR dinner choize better...feast :) !!! ☺☺♥♥♥

  5. Wishing you both many happy hours of sleep!

  6. I know your mum is as happy as you are now she has finished those night shifts. Enjoy each other's company.

  7. I can well imagine your mum is tired after all those bad shifts. I hope by now she is caught up on her sleep.
