Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 Mum got home at a reasonable evening hour tonight.   Washing got done, i fancy feasted and mum made some chicken veg noodles.  She has leftovers organized for tomorrow nights dinner and has lunch made too.  She had the first hot cross buns of the year. We went for a walk around our garden and sat outside and enjoyed the last of the days sunshine.  Now for 2 episodes of The Office - shes found her favorite episode with the Dance Party.   Me I've gone to bed at 7pm.   What a night!!


  1. A busy day for you and your mum, Poppy - but it sounds like it was a happy one.

  2. Happy day and evening at yours for you and Mum. I hope she enjoyed the dance party. Sweet dreams to you, It is sunny 59 degrees here and Lukas is sleeping too.

  3. a happee day for ewe N mum poppy q....tho her coulda...just sayin....skipped de hole CHCKN thing !! :) ♥♥ N wented with plane noodlez :) !! ♥♥
