Thursday, January 31, 2008

Still looking at Mr Moth, but the papparazzi keep snapping

That moth/butterfly was one I caught all by myself. I rushed inside to show mum, but she saw that it was still alive and very pretty, so she stoled it from me, and it flew up to the top of our window. Mum opened the window, but it was scared and didn't knowed to fly out. So I got to watch it for ten minutes. It meant the paparazzi rushed around snapping more pictures of me.

Then the moth/butterfly flewed away into the sky. Mum says I can catch any of the grey boring ones I want, but try not to catch the beautiful ones. So I did last night, two of dem, and left them in her bed - hahaha.

Poppy Q

Monday, January 28, 2008

Poppy Popstar

My furriend Padre from the coool Furry Bambinos tagged me for this meme ages ago. Now the secretary has time to help me - thanks for your patience.

Here are the rules:

Post a link to the kitty who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.

List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you.

Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

My real name is Poppy. Poppy Q uses my surname, so that you don't muddle us up with the other poppys that blog.

My breeder had registered me as Paddington Lil Poppy Pitstop (a mouthfull I know)

Nicknames the secretary calls me:

  • Poppy popstar
  • Baby girl
  • Hello baby
  • button
  • pops
  • gurly wurly

Thems all ok - I'm pretty easy going. I don't think I get called any names I don't like, but mum says I'm not a naughty cat.

I think everycat has been tagged with this one so far - if you hasn't and you'd like to do it, let me know.


Poppy popstar

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fank you furriends

Sunday morning snoozin. I like mums new sheets, they mean I can hide and she can't find me.

For our northern hemisphere friends lots of whom are buried under snow, mum thought you would like to see where she had a picnic lunch on Saturday. It's nice to share bread, salami and fresh black currants and blackberries, with a freshly squeezed orange juice on a warm summers day.

I hopes you is all keeping warm and relaxin. Fanks for visiting me 10,000 times. I love you all.
Poppy Q

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sorry about the wait Miss Millie

My super bloggin friend Darling Millie tagged me for the what would you do meme. I has already done it before, but I can think of three things I would do, if I didn't get into trouble or get caught. Fank you Millie.

Let me think!

  1. Grow my own mousie farm. If Daisy can grow seak monkeys inside, why won't mum let me have mousies?
  2. Win the big lotto so me and my mum could have a big house. Mum says she would also buy a shop, where we could both go together every day. She went to an antique shop in the middle of winter, where they had a log fire, a big basket and a big sleepy meezer curled up by the fire. Mums idea of a great job.
  3. I would get a big dog to chase any introoders away from my turf!! One that would be nice to me.

Do you like my blue photo. Mum has been trying new things on the camera. That is how come she got the nice green garden shots this week. This one is of me reading her paper - she doesn't know why it comed out blue.

Have a good weekend everycat and bean.

Poppy Q

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Friday Friend

Hello my lovely Friday Friend:

  • She is a lovely lady and her whiskers have grown back now (she had four for a while)
  • She lives in one of my mums favourite cities
  • She loves turkey (even if she is on a special diet)
My Friday Friend this week is Storm . Storm (the furry fighter) is my special meezer friend and she lives in a nice house in London, with her two beans having spectacular views over lots of tourist spots. My mum has a special soft spot for London, as she lived there for a couple of years, a long time ago.

Storm is 11 years old and has Lymphoma which is a type of cancer. She has had some chemo and is doing really good at the moment. One of my mums friends cats has lymphoma too, and they has to go for chemo every month so we know how rough it can be. For stormy, a good day is one where she feels like eating and not being sick. Every day is a bonus, and Storm keeps us entertained through each one - you is a star!!

Storm also lives with Castle, her brother and litter mate, who I learnt loves to play with eggs. How cool is that, I is sure you need tons of balance and skill not to break the little eggies. Castle also has another interesting hobby - sniffing Storms number 13 spot!!

Thank you for being my friend Storm, and I love reading your blog.

poppy Q

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

It's not really a jungle you know.

This is my hidey hole, I crawl in to get cool and I can sleep in here and keep my eye on mum if she is in the backyard. I can watch out for introoders too.

Poppy Q

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday puzzle

Guess where I is?

Thank you Millie.

Thank you Monty Q and the Furry Kids.
I am spoiled!! I think every cat should have one, is anyone left out, feeling awardless - let me know and I may nomiate you!!
Poppy Q

Monday, January 21, 2008

Goodbye Caesar

RIP sweet Caesar. Caesar from Caesar and Princess died at home at the weekend. His beans tucked him up in bed with his sister, and he slipped away in his sleep overnight. I knows you has left a pussycat shaped hole in their hearts and I am sending purrs their way.
Poppy Q

Sunshine and memes

This is me, trying to cool off by the backdoor (taken at 11am Monday morning).

That is because the sun is shining, yes this is a picture of the sun in our backyard.

This is a couple of views from our backyard. We know lots of our friends has snow in theirs. Just to remind you - it is always summer somewhere in the world.

My friend Yoggie tagged me for a meme last week:
When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions we seem to fall into four categories:
1. quite serious about them,
2. be flippant about them,
3. do it because we feel pressured to,
or4. do not do them.
So, the purpose of this little game is to let us know which category you are in.

2 a bit flippant. I read on blog a good way of new Years resolutions that I will share with you.

8 things me and my mum would like to do more of in 2008
  1. see more of our friends
  2. send christmas cards - since we sent none in 2007 we must make an effort (sorry to all of our cat blogging friends)
  3. more gardening,artwork,reading, cooking, catching up on friends. (mum says I must stop being shy and scared of visitors)
  4. keeping the chaos under control this year
  5. mum says she will spend more time actually doing her study this year, as opposed to thinking about it
  6. Saying I love you (mum is good at doing that with me)
  7. taking time to smell the flowers and stare at the stars
  8. try new recipes and to enjoy a wider variety of foods (I promise to try and eat more than one flavour of biscuits this year, and try more stinky stuff)

8 things we would like to do less of in 2008

  1. watching stupid tv out of boredom- have got a dvr and now changed the way we will watch tv this year.
  2. Stress - what a waste of energy
  3. Procrastination - if mum was a super hero she might be 'the Procrastinator'
  4. Stuff - who needs all of this stuff? (except the drinkwell fountain, mum says we need that)
  5. Wasting time on bad movies or books - if you hate it stop, life is too short to waste time.
  6. Worrying about food, - learn to love every vegetable and fruit
  7. sitting on the couch - for both of us
  8. worrying about age - every day is a bonus (mums mum taught us that)

Den my super friend Ariel sent me another meme:

This meme was created by the charming cats at

The rules are: you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.

What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?

  1. I would take photos of my mum while she was sleeping and see how she would like it if I posted them for the world to see!!
  2. I would steal a plane and fly around the world to visit all my cat blogging friends and their famblies. I would wine and dine them at the fanciest places in town.
  3. I would win the mega lottery and buy my mum a big house so that we could have a comfortable life, with spare bedrooms for all of our friends and fambly to visit. It would have a pool and for me a gigantic cat tree!!

Thank you friends for tagging me, I thinks I should tag some kittycats so I choose:

Have a good week everycat and bean.

Poppy Q

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thank you

Thank you miss belle, for making me all the catnip mousies. I love dem. I love you too!!
Poppy Q

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hmmmmmm excuse me

Hmmmmmmm excuse me neighbours, could you turn the BEEGEES down. Much as we occasionally toe tap to Jive Talkin, we don't want to hear the whole album tonight. Cause it is warm all the windows and doors are open, we can hear everything.
It is now 10 minutes later and the music is off!! (dis photo was taken at 8.30pm tonight so it is hot off the press).
Now I will go and sit under mums bed.
Poppy Q

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Friday Friend - Part 3 2008

Well My Friday Friend is rather special today.

  • She is a girl kitty who has invested her time into humanitarian/catitarian social work.

  • She looks gorgeous in pink

  • She is looking for love

It is the lovely Queen Snickers. Now if you single cats aren't aware, she hs opened a Single Kitties Love Cafe at - do rush over and check it out.

Queen Snickers is a diluted calico cutie who was born on the 31st of October 2002, that makes her a halloween baby and a very cute one. She has a little sister called Emperess and their website is

Thems only new friends, I only found their blog this week, but I thought they were so special I would let them be this weeks sooper friends. Nice to meet you Queen Snickers and Emperess.

Have a lovely weekend every cat and bean.

Poppy Q

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just standing/sitting guard

Just sitting here guarding the back door for introoders.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Toesie Tuesday

Yup, dem toesies are all grey like me.

Poppy Q

Monday, January 14, 2008

We will sleep well tonight.

Yahhooo Mao came home. And Annie was spotted outside her house. Me and my mum will sleep much happier tonight, knowing our furriends are back where they belong.
Mum feels like cinderella, rushing home to get a post done before the stroke of midnight. She was out for a friends leaving do with lots of work colleagues. But don't worry, she popped home after work to give me some biscuits, and some ham.
Poppy Q

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Important Lost Pet Advice

In New Zealand we has the super Pets on the Net. Because there are only 4 million beans in our country, and there pusscats, woofies and buns is very important to dem, volunteers run dis website where you can register any lost or found furriends.

Dis is there super advice for if you lose your furriends. I has done a copy and paste so it is not so tidy - but if you click here you can see the super page they has
They are great, and most of all never give up. They have success stories where furriends went back home to beans after weeks or months. I hopes we finds Mao and Annie soon.

Stage One (Immediately)
Search your house, garden and your immediate neighbours. Click here for our house, garden and immediate neighbour search checklist
Lost Pet sign (free and very effective!). This is our real life example, we made it from two tomato stakes, the side of a cardboard box and poster paint. Everyone driving or walking past knew our cat was missing and where to come if they saw him!
Here's our cat Homer, back home after five days and happily smooching his sign, which now says FOUND! Click for Homers Success StoryAnother Success Story due to signs!"My boxer pup went missing for approx. two weeks. We put a large sign on our fence and our baby came home!!!! The people saw our sign.... A Success Story! - don't give up hope. I did get the suggestion re: sign on our fence, from it worked a treat. Feel free to use our success story....Belinda"

4) Ring Animal Control (especially for dogs, although a few also do cats)
5) Ring the SPCA
6) Ring all local vets in your area, including after hours vets.

Create and copy your mail box flyers (with photo, preferably in colour) to all other neighbours in street and surrounding streets. Click here to see our sample flyer and checklist for flyers.

Put a lost pet sign up on your fence and berm(See right for real life example and a real life success story due to a sign just like this one).
Your notes; ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Stage Two
9)Flyers to local shops, dairies and supermarkets (click for our lost pet flyer checklist so you get all the important information on all your fliers, first time!)These flyers really should be in colour, with a photo and also laminated. Your pet will be far easier to identify in colour and your laminated flyers will stay up a lot longer on shop windows and train stations etc then a flimsy paper flyer will. Paper flyers quickly get dog eared and rip away in the wind. Lamination will protect your flyer and make sure it serves it purpose whilst it's needed. It could be weeks, so they need to last.Click here for your nearest place to get photocopying and laminating done for your flyers and signsLoads of our Success Stories have come from people who attribute their success in finding their pet to following our checklists, including our Flyer Checklist
One of many Flyer Success Stories'Yes! After 4 long nights Max ventured in atmidnight, letting my partner and I know that he was back - no worse for wear and with a full belly! Max did a runner at midnight on Wednesday and on Friday night I put out a whole lot of flyers in neighbouring letter boxes. I believe some kids liked my friendly cat but their parents seeing the flyer "let him go". Barbara."
10)Ads in local papers.

Stage Three (Subsequent Days)
11) Stephen from Wellington got reallycreative to find his kitten, The Sneak. He made these tee-shirts, saying "The Sneak is not dead".Happily, The Sneak was found safe and well at the Wellington SPCAthrough an ad on now Steven has the teeshirt/sto prove it!
12)Continue to call SPCA/ Animal Control regularly - preferably daily, but definitely at least once within any seven day period. This is because if a shelter such as the pound or SPCA etc receives your pet, they only have to hold them for seven days. After seven days, they can rehome your pet, or even euthanise your pet. So keep checking!!!!

14)Continue ads in local papers for as long as you want to.
15)See our Success Stories pages for hope when you're feeling in need of a boost. Our longest record was a cat found after 11 months (through!), so please do keep checking and keep your ad on the system. A pet can be missing for weeks, or even months. Experience with other cases has shown that you need to continue your ad on (and to check the found pets on for up to one year.
16)Continue to drop flyers in your street and widen out the area you drop flyers into and place posters in. One of our Success Stories came from the third flyer drop, the people widened their flyer drop by putting a poster up at the train station far from their home. That was the one that worked. A commuter saw it and recognised their cat.Again the Success Stories give a myriad of tips of what worked for others, they're well worth reading.

How can help?This free community e- service means you can have a free ad (with a free photo too!) to get your message out to a wide audience at no cost. We also compliment and enhance the effect of your other advertising such as flyers and newspaper ads too - just add a cross reference to with the ad number for your lost pet ad. See our checklist for newspapers ads for more tips. We'll store a much more detaileddescription and a photo on this site at no cost whatsoever. To put all this detailedinformation and a photo in a newspaper would be prohibitively expensive - we help you get more exposure for less. And the more people that know your pet is missing, the more chance you have of finding them.Time is of the essence. Put your best effort in now while peoples memories are fresh. You have a hugely greater chance of success if you do your flyers and ads as soon as possible. Don't wait a week before you decide to do anything. Do what you can do now; take a sick(with worry) day or annual leave if possible so you can really concentrate on your search. We've got heaps of good ideas that can help you know what do now to find your pet. A free ad on this site is a great place to start. Wishing you best of luck and that pet is home with again soon, safe and sound...with kind purrsfrom Kim and Gavin Buchanan's nationwide database for lost and found pets

Now Annie is missing.

This is Annie she is missing too! Please come home Annie you has a warm bed, food and cuddles waiting for yoo at your castle.

I guess this is the time that I mention, that I wear a collar with a tag giving my name, secretaries phone number and my address on it. I also has a microchip. See the picture below, it shows how small it is. Thems don't hurt - I was only 8 weeks old when I had mine and I didn't cry or wriggle.

I know that lots of your beans are thinking they are a good idea - if you get found they just pass a supermarket scanner over you. Instead of saying how much you cost, it tells them where you live and who your beans are and their phone numbers.

Because I is an indoor/outdoor cat mum is more worried that somone may steal me, cause I am cute!! But she knows if they ever took me to the vet or shelter they would find her.

Maybe we should make 2008 microchip year!!!

Please come home Mao and Annie. Your beans need you. I am purring that your get home quickly and safely.

Poppy Q

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Looking for our friend Mao

I is on the lookout for our friend Mao . He has runned away from home and his fambly is very very worried.

Mao fambly we is very worried too. Please come home Mao - there is a warm bed and food waiting for yoo.

Poppy q

Friday, January 11, 2008

Hello My Friday Friend

Hello Friday - Hello Friend.

Clues for this week:
  • She has a name like candy

  • Loves all the animals in the world

  • Lives in Texas with her two sisters, and two beans.

Hello J B (Jellybean) you is my Friday friend for this week.

JB lives with her sisters Misty and PooPoo and her mom and dad in Texas in the US. Daddy Len is a pilot who goes to all kind of cool places, but I don't think the kittycats go with him. Misty is the dark pussycat girl, and Poopoo is the calico girl pussycat.

Now I did not know until today, that JB runs two blogs. One is called JB's Small world which is about life at home, and JB's Big world is about lovely animbals from around the world. All the photos on this blog are from JBs famblies and friends of all the great animbals they have seen around the world. There is kangaroos, lions, crabs, birds (and other yummy treats!!).

Small world here:

Big world here:

Please drop over and show JB some love.

Have a great weekend every cat and bean.

Poppy Q

Bye Bye Sir Ed

Today everyone in New Zealand is a bit sad. We lost a great man today -Sir Edmund Hilary was the first man to climb Mount Everest in 1953 with his sherpa guide. He was just a quiet beekeeper who liked to go off and hike in the mountains. He also carried on with humanitarian work from that time to now, for the Himalayan Trust, building schools,airstrips, bridges and hospitals in Nepal.
Take a break from the celebrities, drop into CNN, The Age, Stuff or BBC and have a read about a good man.