Friday, January 9, 2015

Global Warming VS Hot Cross Buns

Mum has written about her conspiracy theory on the blog before.  You see she is suspicious that Global Warming or the ozone hole may not be the cause of the planet warming up.  Yes the true reason is that Easter Hot Cross Buns are on sale in the supermarket on January 1st, even before all the Christmas treats have been sold at half price.  You see the weather gods are all confused, thinking that Easter is creeping up months before it is due.

Thank you to Milo for modelling with the buns tonight.  We are aware that the use by date is tomorrow, but they were surprisingly fresh.


  1. I bought some hot~cross~buns in the super~duper market
    last Sunday Poppy!x mmmmM! Love'em!

    Had to chuckle this morning..On our telly over here they showed
    Koala bears in mittens...HeHe! They were asking the people of
    Australia to knit mittens for the Koalas because they had burnt
    their paws in the recent fires...And, they helped the paws to heal.
    The Koalas looked lovely in them. Some even had their paws
    dipped in bowls of water! :)

  2. Poppy, dear, your mum's theory has merit. So do slightly 'crisp' (stale) buns.

  3. Your mum may have a point. There are many complaints here when shops put up Hallowe'en displays in August and Christmas displays in October. And as the food banks here say, " 'Best before' doesn't mean 'bad after'..."

  4. Hmm...your mom might be onto something Poppy. I didn't see any hotcross buns at the grocery store yesterday but I was distracted by the iced cinnamon buns. I'll have to check next time I'm there.

    Have a good day!

  5. Remember, the "use by" date really means "BEST if used by…"

  6. My human thinks your human may have a point, Poppy...

  7. Yes a point for sure. There are Easter eggs in our shops and that is just so wrong.

  8. Your Mum just may be onto something there, Poppy!

  9. poppy Q & milo; if ewe knead help makin thoze bunz dizz a peer...we will bee mor N happee ta lend a paw ...N mum iz rite...Chistmas iz done letz head rite ta Easter, forget valentines day, st patricks day, even ground hogs day !!

    heerz two a warm, walleye, whitefish week oh end !! ♥♥♥

  10. I think your mum is right Poppy. Can you believe that my mum saw them for sale before Christmas where she does her shopping!

  11. I have been toasting Hot Cross Bun Bread every morning lately, yummmmmo!!!! By the time Easter arrives I will be over Hot Cross Buns. Or will I? We have Valentines day before Easter to be bombarded with annoying advertising.
