Saturday, April 6, 2019


So daylight savings ends overnight and the weather has come to remind us that winter is coming.  it has cooled to 8 degrees C outside and raining.  Because mum still has this silly cold, she has stayed in her dressing gown all day. 

I don't mind.  I've moved from my round bed to my bag bed all day and mum has left the heater on all day in the bedroom.  I'm all ready for winter sleeping. 

Mum made a roast chicken for her dinner tonight , so that she can have leftovers for tomorrow night.  She has to work, so thankfully she is feeling a bit better.  She feels bad as she is running out of my biscuits.  She ordered some online - we hope they come soon!!

We hope you enjoy your Caturday and do something fun.


  1. Summer is still trying to start over here!
    Had couple days of cold and rain, nicer
    to~day, bit warmer to, just got back from
    town, few bit's and pieces to see to, looking
    forward to a quiet weekend..though someone
    usually comes round on Sunday for a cuppa
    tea..l don't mind, as long as it does'nt
    interrupt my football..! HeHe!

  2. Stay warm, Poppy and Mum. Poppy, we hope your biscuits come soon!

  3. Mum is being lazy, nearly 11 AM and still in her jammies!

  4. Hope your Caturday was a nice one, Poppy!

  5. Yes a frosty end to daylight saving here too.
    Winter is definitely on its way
