Hello my friends. It has been a tough 24 hours. Last time I had to go and have a senior check mum got told that it was time I had my teeth operated on. Mum agreed to book it in, but was understandably nervous, as I am now 13 and have both a heart murmur and an arrhythmia. The last time I had a dental operation, mum had starved me at home from 10pm, and I did not like it. I jumped on her all night and howled for 8 hours straight. This time mum felt incredibly guilty, but she booked me into the cattery the night before.
She told them to go ahead and do what was needed, so when the phone went off at 1.30pm mum was thinking the worst. Instead it was the vet ringing to say that they had tried to extract the tooth, but the root was stuck and unable to be fully removed as it was so crumbly. Mum said that they should do whatever they thought was best - what else could she say? So I am minus a tooth.
So when she picked me up it was only at 4pm, but boy was she pleased to see me. She got me home and tried to keep me still and quiet, although I did annoy her by trying to do a couple of wobbly walks and jumping onto the bed and missing. She got me settled and I had a big sleep.
She has come into see me a couple of times, and every time she talks to me I purr and purr at her. I ate a half a fancy feast for dinner, and even took my pain relief ok, even if a little bit dribbled onto my chin. Good luck with the antibiotics in the next couple of days though mum.
So at the moment I am tucked up in my little warm bed next to the heater. This photo was taken when I got home. I wanted my bag and my mum and a little sleep. Mum will take care of me tonight and let you know how I am tomorrow. Nite Nite!!