Friday, February 21, 2020


Mum just pottered round today.  She had thought that she would go out today, but she was a bit worn out.  She will leave the going out until tomorrow. She thinks I spent 22.5 hours asleep today.


  1. .5 is pushing it a bit to far Poppy!x :).
    HeHe! But then you need your beauty sleep..!

    We are having a full day without any rain to~day,
    though it's due back on Sunday..! :(.
    Just put some pillow cases out on the line, so
    they should dry o.k.
    So..time for a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits.!

  2. We bet your mum wishes she could sleep 22.5 hours in a day, just once. :-P Maybe even 12.5! :-)

    Take care and have a great weekend.

  3. Enjoy the sun and 22.5 hours. Precious has sun but again she is under
    the bed. She has a wet nose and sneezes. Not sure how she got it and
    keeping a sharp eye on her. It is minus 12 cel. here this morn, our
    10 degrees fahrenheit. I have yet to figure out how many hours Precious sleeps.

  4. You should persuade your mum to join you, Poppy.
    Like Willie we are having a dry day at last. I think we are only 2 counties away from him and both in the South/Southwest.

  5. Sometimes it is good to stay home and just potter around.
