Sunday, June 7, 2020


Mum says this has been  the bestest  I have ever been when she is on night shift.  I have just gone  to sleep when she has and not disturbed  her.  Of course  this was the day the landlord  decided  to clean up the garden with no warning.


  1. Ah! You have your bestest moments then Poppy!x
    Just the once..No! Your the bestest anyway! :).

    Just had my lunch out on the
    usual jumped up to see what l had, he was most
    upset, l had curry to~day, no roast, he took a
    sniff, looked at me as if to say..'what do you
    call that'..HeHe! I gave him some Dreamies, it
    did'nt help much, he likes his roast on a Sunday!
    And Flossie was asleep under the table, they
    did'nt see each other, thankfully..! They do
    fight, don't know why, they see each other often
    enough, but don't get on..! Only thing that will
    keep them quiet is a saucer of milk each..! :o).

  2. Why don't the planets align better than that Poppy?
    Mum should not have noisy gardener, but at least the
    yard will look as good as the house. Post a picture
    of yourself and the new paint some day soon.

  3. Keep up the good silence, Poppy, dear! Poor mum, trying to sleep when the landlord's buzzing about the garden -- but I confess I've always found the roar of a (distant) lawnmower to be a soporific sound. Weed eaters are not the same!

  4. You are such a good kitty, Poppy. We're sorry the landlord decided to do the garden while Mum was trying to sleep, though.

  5. That was very good of you, Poppy. Pity about the landlord though.

  6. Too bad the landlord didn't get the memo!
