Monday, July 12, 2021


 It's sunny in the afternoon, but cold.  Mum gets home and the heaters always whipped on.  The curtains are drawn and  I'm happy to have some warm places to snuggle.  Outside time is really limited at the moment- it's just too cold for me.  


  1. Kitties deserve to be inside when it is cold. But I'm sure you
    miss your garden time Poppy. Love the sun on your noggin.

  2. heet iz on de way poopy Q !!!!! we sended it bout 13 minitz ago sew bee on de look out for it :) ♥♥

  3. Too cold for all for all us pops I think. It is now Tuesday. I slept with my electric blanket on and a new cosy blanket plus the heater on low. My nights and days are upside down like mum on night shift. I have no idea how she copes. Watched the Crown all night. Again. I think it’s brilliant and passes the hours. Wish you and I could spend our days together. I would tell you stories and you would nap off with boredom. Woops my plumber just come. Ooh also my courier. Never a dull moment . But I stay tucked up,in bed and let them help,themselves. Ring Bell is a great thing to have. Love you poppy.

  4. Best to look out the window and cuddle up with Mum...

  5. Our last two mornings have been clear instead of pee soup fog
    The days were sunny but rain is forecast
    So we too will be inside with the fire roaring snuggled on the couch.

  6. We keep forgetting your temperatures are opposite of ours. It's hot, humid, and stormy here!

  7. Brrr! You're making me cold, Poppy, even though it is summer up here.

  8. These are the months when a comfy home truly is appreciated, eh, Poppy?
