Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 One of our friends asked if i was left anything to nibble on while mum was on her shift.  This is my little heated bed where i nap, and next to it is my biscuit bowl, in mums bedroom.   She has to leave the biscuits in her room, as when they were in the living room or kitchen, naughty neighbors would sneak in and eat them.  Now they are here, they're all for me.


  1. poppy...thatz knot veree nice oh de nayborz...we iz glad mum haz made sure
    yur bizcuitz bee safe while herz at her place oh employ ~~~~♥

  2. Poppy, your mum knows how to take care of you. Sharing is OK if you are able
    to know who and when and how much!

  3. Your "neighbors" sneak innto your kitchen and help themselves ? We were upset that the raccoons come around even in the middle of the day to raid the outside food bowls. We should be thankful

  4. A warm bed, a bowl of snacks, a day for napping. Your mum takes good care of you, Poppy.

  5. Mum certainly does well by you Poppy/ I hope you give her lots of snuggles!

  6. Wow, Poppy. You mum totally hooked you up!
