Monday, May 9, 2022


 It's been a while since we have had a solid rainy day, and today it has rained since mum got up, and now before midnight it is still going.  Luckily there was a small break in the precipitation while mum got the groceries.   She made herself a tasty butter chucken and rice for dinner and fixed me some fancy feast.  She has a meal plan sorted for the rest of the week now.

Luckily tomorrow is a day off for mum.  Dhe has only a couple if chores planned,  and lots of relaxing with me organized.   My favorite kind of day.


  1. poppy we had sew manee rainz heer last week a river ran crozz de bak yard anda small pond waz in de front....we wanted ta go gurl said NOE.....spoiled sport we said two R food servizz gurl ...happee chillaxin day for ewe N mum two morrow :) ♥

  2. I wish it would rain like that here, Poppy. We need it, preferrably on a day that I can spend inside watching it rain outside.

  3. I hope you give Mum lots of snuggles. I enjoy rain if I don't have to be out in it. Have a sweet day.
