Thursday, May 12, 2022

Leakage Update

 Last night mum had a text from her landlord to say that the tenants upstairs had a leak, and was there any signs of leakage in mums kitchen?  Mum said no  but this morning she rembered the leak on the bed from several weeks ago and emailed the picture.   She said that she did wonder if it could have come through the light fitting,  but there were no signs of leaking any other time.  

So it looks like I am not to blame and mums instincts were right.


  1. Wow, that's GOOD news in terms of your bladder health, Poppy! (Not so good for you as tenants, or your upstairs neighbours!) However, that was a huge spot, as we recall, and it was hard to imagine you making that big a leak yourself, Poppy.

  2. Oh, and we all know water will travel and find a way in; heaven knows we've had enough leaking issues in our townhouse! :-/

  3. Of course it was not you Poppy, you are a proper lady about where you go. Hope they
    fix the leak before it rains inside while you and mum are sleeping.

  4. I never did think it was you, Poppy. The patch was far too big, but I am glad the mystery has been solved.

  5. Oh noes, leaks are not a good thing.

  6. Better the upstairs tenants leaking than you, Poppy!

  7. poppy...we iz buzzed happee; well, knot that waterz comin thru yur ceeling but buzzed happee all iz well with ewe .... ♥♥♥ de flowerz awesum bye de way ♥♥♥

  8. That was way too much to come from a cat Poppy...I hope it is fixed soon!

  9. Ah ha! 'E' is right: there was too much from one cat, even one as impressive as you, Poppy.

  10. Hooray! We are glad that it was not you, Poppy.
