Sunday, May 5, 2013


Our day was filled with gratefulness.  The mumster says that we are grateful for:

  • The glorious hot weather we had for two days.  It allowed mum a couple of hours in the garden and she managed to pull out lots of weeds, and chat to the neighbour who was also out weeding.  A day at home is good for the budgetising, as no dollars were spent.
  • She was particularly happy to find a $20 note in some jeans she was putting away for the winter, and for $10 note she found in the garden!!!
  • Mum made a nice carrot, coriander and potato soup for her lunches during the week.  Healthy and organised!
  • A yummy piece of salmon in the oven for dinner.  I don't like people food, so I won't be sharing.
  • Starting a good book.  Mum started Instructions for a Heatwave today.  Nice to have a good book from the library to read.  We hope you all support your local libraries.
We hope you all have a good Sunday, and lots of things to be grateful for.


  1. Nice list of gratefuls. Your mom finding a $20 and $10 somewhere, that's really something to be grateful about. Happy sunday, poppy.

  2. Those sure are some great things to be thankful for, Poppy! :)

  3. It is always a good day when you fine money! Mom always checks pockets and purses when she is clearing out closets!

  4. Hooray for sunny days! I'm going to start working in the garden, just in case I can grow some moneys there, too.

  5. Salmon! You don't like salmon? Oh Poppy, we'll be right over, mum too! Salmon is our favorite! The soup sounds lovely too, yum.

  6. Wow, you grows money in your garden, that's pawsome!

    Isn't it great to be grateful? We is grateful 'cuz we knows you Poppy Q!

    Have a great week.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. Poppy, I still say you are missing out when your human makes salmon and you don't want any! I couldn't care less about the carrot, coriander and potato soup, but my crazy human wants the recipe!

  8. Well, my local library is Kindle, if that counts. I never got a library card when I moved from Florida to Georgia as most of my reading nowadays (almost exclusively) is now on Kindle.

    I try to be grateful for somethings every day. It does a body and soul so much good!

    Have a lovely day, ladies!

  9. sounds like a grand sort of day, somehow very similar to mine. it must be that oct 25 gene doing it;)

  10. What wonderful things to be grateful for.

  11. It is always so fun when you find some spare cash you forgot about or a little wind fall.

    Your weather in Wellington was not the best - bit os a shock after such a hot Sunday - I had to get tee shirt on. Cold today fire on.
    Keep warm and dry both of you
    Love L

  12. Wow, all I find in my garden are weeds...
