Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Panic Over

Panic over - mum went back to the supermarket and got some toilet paper.  If there is a bottom emergency she is covered.  She got the paper and some other stuff, but they forgot to give her her bacon.  Oh well.

Do you see mums new pillow cases - she loves them.  And that grey lump lying there - she loves that too.


  1. Well,good thing the bottom is "covered" ;) heehee
    Mom likes the pillowcases and we would love to get our furs on them!
    We all think you are the best on the bed :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  2. My human NEVER forgets kitty litter - the rest, I couldn't care less!

  3. Ah! Tissue! Ah! Tissue! HeHe!
    ALL fall down.......!x

    Goodness! Never forget the bacon...
    What will piggy-wiggy say! :).

  4. Well, we can see your Mum is up all night embroidering those pillow cases! They're "love"ly.

  5. Love the pillowcases and that gray lump, too! I also happen to have 3 gray lumps of my own that are kinda cute, too! =)

    Have a lovely day, ladies!

  6. Hello Lovely ladies,
    Good to hear you have got the flannelette back in action though we are throwing off the covers and enjoying some sunshine here in Blighty at long last! We missed seeing you when Mum was away in Mexico.
    Hen and the furry boys xxxx

  7. Glad that emergency is over! And we love the pillowcases too! And you Poppy Q!

  8. Toilet paper is very important. One cannot go without that. Literally.

  9. We think those are cute pillowcases, too.

    Glad your mom purchased that very basic necessity!

  10. poppy q...we hope yur mum dinna forget de fancy feast....toy let paper N bacon can wait...fancy feast can knot

    haza wild whitefish wednesday !

  11. We love the grey lump too. And the lovely pillowcases for the "grey lump" to lounge upon. Mum ha a grey and white lump (me).
    - Jessica

  12. We think that grey lump is the pretties thing in the bedroom.
