Monday, January 18, 2016

Stormy Monday

Stormy Monday sounds like an 80s band that mum would have loved - all padded shoulders, long hair, gel and eyeliner, synthesizers and moody poses.  Mum, well she worked all day then popped into the supermarket, cos she was down to the last two toilet rolls and she dreads a pooh emergency.  All is ok - we are all stocked up now.

Mum came home and fed me my feast, and then popped onto the deck to watch this little thunder and lightening storm whizz up the harbour.  She told me to come inside as it was about to start raining, but I ignored her and sat under the little bench on the back porch until I got soaked and then frightened by the thunder and ran and hid under the deck for 20 minutes.  Then I came inside and made mum move over so that I could sleep in her warmed up spot.  So she is now in the bedroom blogging while I snooze the night away.

Hope you are all having a lovely night and tucked up all cozy and warm.


  1. The sky around here is much the same Poppy!x
    It's wet, damp, and windy..Horrid! So, l'm
    staying home to~day, plenty to do, around the
    house, and lot's of hot chocolate...mmmmM! :).

  2. "Stormy Monday" was the name of a 1980s movie, so that's close... You should come in out of the rain, Poppy. You don't want to catch a summer-time cold.

  3. The storm was pretty exiting here. I saw it coming so ran to feed and tuck up boarders. Just got it all done and boom the storm was here, The garden is sighing with relief from the rain

  4. Boy ooh boy we saw this coming up the Hutt Valley. Thankfully our one lad who is terrified of thunder was in the garden so I was sort of 'la la la act casual, let him sniff the catnip *keep an eye on that storm cloud* la la la more nip sniffing. then the rain cascaded down so I snatched him up and got him inside before all hell broek loose!

    The garden is looking great as a result though, I can see the first runner beans and pea pods!

    Marjorie and the team at Dash Kitten

  5. Nasty looking clouds! Hope it didn't take long for your furs to dry off, Poppy.

  6. Poppy, dear, please tell your mum I sympathize with her alarm when a)she sees only 2 rolls of TP where a 12-pack belongs and when b)she sees a storm approaching and cannot persuade a certain feline to come inside before her fur is soaked.
