Monday, April 24, 2017


Mum and I had a good day today.  I got to state out the window.   She got to stay inside all day at work with no windows.  I got a feast for my dinner and she got to eat that tasty stuff.  She roasted some sweet potatoes and potato, broccoli, steak and some sauerkraut .  She us trying to eat more fruit and vegetables and by making a big plateful she has enough for tomorrow nights dinner.

So mum has a stack of dishes to do tonight and then relaxing time.  Tomorrow is a day off - yippee!!


  1. My! My! Poppy!x Mum's roast looks lovely...
    Good enough to eat! :).
    I tend to do extra on a Sunday, as i'm using
    the oven, well worth while putting extra in
    for the rest of the week, why waste ALL that

    I'm afraid l don't let dishes stack up though,
    when l've finished, the plate, cutlery, etc...
    Are ALL washed up...and left to drain..!
    Things have to be clean and tidy for me! Typical
    Virgo..! :).

  2. Yum that meal looks good. I wonder if you poppy wish you were a bean so you could join in with mum. Poor mum no window at work. No wonder she likes walking in the fresh air.. I caught Millie drinking out of my mug of water. Yikes! I would never know if she's done it before but I make sure I keep my mugs with tin foil over them now. I am still alive so perhaps it was a first. Xxx

  3. Wow, I'd have to go with your mum's dinner, rather than yours, Poppy - but it's a good thing you like the Feast better, anyway.

  4. I bet your human will enjoy her day off - and you will too, Poppy!
