Saturday, December 16, 2017

Hidey Hole Caturday

I have a little hidey hole spot out in the garden where I can rest hidden away.  I showed it to my mum though so she knows where I am.  It is getting too hot to be out there though.

Mum stayed at home and just chilled out with me - perfect.

We hope you have a fun Caturday.


  1. That's an excellent hidey~hole Poppy!x
    The suns out..again over here, though still
    chilly! I've just been writing cards, wrapping
    a few prezzies...and mine...though l don't know
    what it is till Christmas day..! :).
    Must get on then..another lemon tea called for..
    forgotten how many l've had this morning! :0).

  2. What a fantastic hiding spot, Poppy. It's okay if your mum knows where it is, she won't worry about you, then. :-)

    Our Saturday is just starting and it's bitterly cold, high of minus 10 C with the wind today. Brrrr! We'll be inside and cosy, whereas our biped will be bundled up with thermal layers.

  3. That was nice of you to show it to your human. Some kitties wouldn't do that.

  4. That is a good hidey hole, Poppy. It is cold wet and windy here.

  5. That's sure a nice hidey hole, Poppy!

  6. Even though it's hot out, Poppy, that spot looks cool. But I guess not, eh?
