Monday, December 4, 2017

Neighborhood Watch

Mum was out early in the morning and came across this cutie out in the front garden of their house.  Black and white tuxie cats are not so common here, and this one was especially sweet needing a pat and a rub from my mum.


  1. That looks just like my dear old Sid. Still miss him heaps. He had long legs and made us laugh as he would lie on his back, both back legs fully stretch and one up full out. We called it his bathing beauty pose. Mum does have a very pretty front darden. That was a sweet picture. Xx

  2. Ah! He/she looks lovely Poppy!x
    I always find if l pat and rub a pussy~cat,
    it follows me..after more fuss! :).
    I give them ALL the time in the world...!
    Bless them!x

  3. What a cutie! S/he looks well taken care of! :-)

  4. A colourful background for a black-and-whitie, too.

  5. Sounds like a really nice kitty! We have neighborhood kitties but my human isn't friends with any of them.

  6. Pretty tuxie, just hope your mum doesn't bring it home with her.

  7. We love black and white Tuxie cats - like my Holly:) looks like your mum has a new friend to greet on her walks. But of course, Poppy, you are number one.
