Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Mum gave me a photo session at the weekend.  I just closed my eyes and stayed asleep.  It has been very warm - perfect for napping and just chilling out.  She loves photos of me snoozing - especially of that soft spot on my forehead.


  1. That has to be the sweetest face ever. Your mum certainly adores you to bits. I think you are the cutest cat on the world blogs and you don't even know it.💕

  2. Ah! Bless! Poppy!x You look lovely!
    sssssssh! Don't tell Mum, but l'm going to copy
    and paste this photo into my pussy~cat folder...
    HeHe! Well..l've got quite a few of you already! :).

  3. What a doll you are, Poppy. I love photographs like this, too. So sweet and tranquil.

  4. I wish I could just reach into the screen & give you the gentlest little pat on your head Poppy. Sweet dreams Xx

  5. That is such a lovely photo of you, Poppy. It makes me want to give you a great big kiss.
