Sunday, June 9, 2019

Winter Weekending

 Sorry friends, mum got all carried away and forgot about posting on Caturday.  She had a day pottering about, then napping then out for the evening with work colleagues for Asian fusion food (double the price , but 1/2 the flavour).  Only one cocktail though so no hangover this morning for mum.

This morning she was up early and went to the movies to see Rocketman, which was quite fun and she enjoyed it more than she expected to.  Then off to the market for the weeks vegetables - cauliflower, onions, cabbage, pumpkin, leek, swede, parsnips and carrots. 
Then a big walk round the waterfront.  It was rather chilly, so not as crowded as usual.  The clouds were gathering so mum was glad to head home for soup and toast.

I have had a quiet weekend snoozing and eating.  I am glad that I got mum to relax.  This week is a long one with mum having a 6 day work week.  Phew!! 


  1. And there's me thinking you'd sharpend your sharp could'nt use
    the keyboard..! :).

    I've just back from the supermarket..busy in the
    kitchen at the mo..roast duck to~day..and l'm making
    my famous spaghetti sauce..Yum! Few new potatoes boiling
    up for the week ahead..!

    Mums on a 6 day week coming up..hope that does'nt leave
    you on your own to long..doe Mum leave the TV or radio on
    for you..she could put a DVD in for you to watch..How about..
    Puss~In~Boots..HeHe! Bless!x

  2. Missed your caterday. Glad all was well and mum was just enjoying herself.
    Loved the photos. How much nicer to get fresh vegies from a market than more stale ones at the supermarket. The walk around the sea front would have been most enjoyable.
    My day not so great as my hub. collapsed this afternoon and the ambulance came and took him to hospital. Don’t like being alone at night as we are quite isolated. The ward nurse and a dr. Have both rung so he is in good hands.

  3. It sounds like Mum had a nice Caterday, Poppy. Well, everything except for paying two times the amount for half the taste. We are glad you both had a relaxing weekend. :)

  4. Glad your mum had a good weekend, Poppy. It's disappointing though when food doesn't live up to expectations but they still charge top whack for it.

  5. OK to take a day off now and then. That looks like a pretty large farmer's market.

  6. It looked like a good evening to spend at home, Poppy.
