Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome 2020

Welcome to the new decade of 2020.  We hope it brings you lots of love, health and happiness.

Mum and Poppyq

PS - Mum took this photo today when she was walking to her friends house.   Aren't the colours beautiful and mum think it almost looks unreal, like a painting!!


  1. Yes! And lots of love, health and happiness
    to you and Mum Poppy!x God Bless!xx

  2. Fantastic way to say Happy New 2020! Wonderful flowers.

  3. Very purrty flowers. So nice to see in my wintertime.

  4. I’m on the second day of the new year and so far, it hasn’t treated me badly… You’re right about the photograph, Poppy. Your mum should frame that one and hang it on the wall. There is something about the depth of the image that makes it so much like a painting.
