Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We are feeling a bit swamped as it has been raining here for three days in a row.  We're not complaining, as our farmers can do with the rain, and the garden will be properly wet.  NZ is a little bit parched at the moment, not Australia dry, but many of our fields and hills have gone brown and crispy.

So, there is not much else to do at the moment but to take long naps and relax.  This morning mum was pleased that I did not wake her til 6am for my crunchies.  So off for another naperooni - have a lovely day.


  1. Enjoy your naperooni Poppy. We are doing a lot of that too as it rains continually here and we are growing webbed feet.

  2. It is a;ways a blessing to have rain when you need it!

  3. Too bad you can't send some of that rain to Australia - but failing that, a nap sounds good!

  4. Oh , Poppy! We'll trade you weather. It has been very dry and 22 degrees colder than usual. We're sort of freeze-dried here.
    Our mum would love a fire with the window cracked to let in the moist air and the sound of rain. The last time mum went to a rainy climate, she swore she'd never leave 'cause she looked 10 years younger. We cats nneed not worry about such nonsense, we always look perfect.

  5. Purrfect way to spend rainy days. Snooze on, Poppy. xoxo

  6. I hope AU gets substantial rain soon. We had 2 years of severe drought here about 5 years ago and the Swamp completely dried up... there were cracks about 6 inches deep. It looked like a desert. Scary times!

    Enjoy your naperooni, Miss Pops!

  7. naperoni, pepperoni, rigatoni, pizza pie,

    haza good nap poppy Q,

    N stay hi N dry !!!
