Friday, April 11, 2014

Dear Queenie Postcard Part 2

Dear Queenie,
Hope you got yesterdays postcard.  Went from damp and cloudy Wellington, to rainy grey Auckland.  No wonder they do call NZ the land of the long white cloud.  Dressed casual today - posh frocks have gone to the cleaners.
Went to the harbour to go sailing with some kiwi boys.  It may be chilly out, but they all turned up in their shorts.  Had a race, got beaten by the misses.
Then took her out for afternoon tea and scones.  Dropped by the air force base to meet lots of good hard working folks and their lovely families.

Graham Norton is on the box, watching it in our slippers eating fish and chips for supper.  Just like home.

Love to Gramps, Harry, Charlie and Camilla.

Kiss a corgi for us.

Wills, Kate and Baby G


  1. HeHe! That's lovely Poppy!x
    I've been watching it very closely
    over here...Just in case l see you in the crowd somewhere! :).
    I've been looking for a little grey paw waving about...Nothing yet though! I'll keep looking...!x

  2. Ha! I'll bet the Royal Young Couple love fish and chips, too. Who doesn't?

  3. Vacation = no posh frocks for me. Actually, every day = no posh frocks. It just wouldn't do for me to ever be a royal.

    Except the fish and chips... I could do with some right now, in fact.

    Carry on then.


  4. poppy Q....thiz post card home iz grate two :)

    ....purrhaps de royal familee will hire ewe ta rite cards for them all de time !!!

    "postal cards bye poppy Q"

    it haza nice ring dont cha think...just like de fish N chips !!!

    heerz hopin ewe haza cod shrimp & sole kinda week oh end ♥

  5. Can't beat a good helping of fish and chips Poppy. I expect the rain is making them feel at home.

  6. You are funny. I am jealous you are so close. I wonder if Baby George likes kitties? I stayed up all night to watch Diana and Kate get married. I bought a sweet piece of Beatrix Potter china when William was born. I bet there is something cute in honor of George. Better Google it! Keep us posted.
