Friday, June 27, 2014

Home Alone

The mumster was on a late shift tonight, so dinner was served just  before midnight.  I get biscuits to keep me happy while she is out, but i eagerly wait by the door when I hear her key, as I know my feast is coming.

Hope you all had a fun Friday - so pleased it is the weekend!!


  1. Oh! Poppy!x Have'nt you got your own key! Ah! Bless!.
    It's a monkey's birthday over here, so they say, when it's sunnny and rainy at the same time...Don't know where that comes from...Probably from a wet monkey...HeHe! :>).

  2. Poppy, dear, it's important that you be there at the door, waiting for Mum when she limps home from a long day at work. Be sure you carol "Welcome home!" the minute you hear her key in the lock. This lifts her spirits enough that she can feed you both properly. There's a good girl!

  3. And it's well deserved. You have a fun weekend with mum. Hugs

  4. Gasp I can only imagine our lot waiting till midnight. I bet Poppy Q was very pleased to see you.

  5. We can only imagine how excited you were when Mum walked in from work, Poppy! Happy weekend to you both!

  6. poppy time mum iz gone N fancy feast iz dayz a

    1 800 this kitteh kneads sum pizza pies pleeze.....

    N they will be rite over witha deliveree !!!

    heerz two a yellowtail horse mackerull kinda week oh end !!

  7. I am sure it makes your mum happy to see you waiting to greet her when she comes home.

  8. You is a furry patient kitty Poppy! We is glad mum got home - hope she sticks around for the weekend.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. We couldn't deal with shifting meal times! Happy weekend.

  10. Mum had to work late too, tonight. So my dinner was served late. Mum said she was earning my money so not to complain. Meow, Jessica
