Saturday, August 15, 2015

Caturday Movie Day

Happy Caturday my kitties, hope you are all having a fabulous day.  Mum had a crazy night of sleeping, she had trouble falling asleep then woke up at 4am still sitting up on her three pillows she uses for reading before sleep with the light still on. So back to sleep but woke up again at 6.30 am coughing like crazy.  Up again at 7.30am.   So she slowly got dressed and wasted away the morning, just doing a few chores.

The mumster then headed into town and dropped some books off at the library, before meeting up with her lovely niece. Miss Belle was tired, but was pleased to have a study break and mum took her to the movies to see Trainwreck.

The girls enjoyed this movie, they haven't laughed so much in ages.  It is a quite grown up movie with  quite a few sex scenes and discussions, but don't worry Miss Belle is a grown up 19 year old now, and mum is old enough to handle it too.  We are sure that most of you have heard about this movie, but for those who haven't Amy is a magazine journalist who has had lots of flings with guys over the years.  When she is sent to interview a sports medicine Dr, she finds herself having to confront all the things she has believed in over the years.  Anyway, as far as rom coms go it felt fresh and we loved that the main characters were normal gorgeous people, not model turned actors.

During the week we watched the Caturday video again - still makes us smile years later.  So mum and I thought we would share it again here.  Mum was home by 6pm, in time for mum to reheat leftovers in the microwave for dinner and sit on the couch for the evening.  Woo hoo - hope you are all having fun too.


  1. Caturday movie Poppy!x Brilliant...!

    And poor Mum...Rushing round, up and down...
    like a barmaids apron..HeHe! :).

    Lots going on over here to Poppy!x Suns out, in
    ALL it's glory...Lovely!

  2. Poppy, dear, thank you for sharing the Caturday movie. Laughter is the best medicine for so many ailments!

  3. That Caturday video made us smile real big, too, Poppy. We hope you and Mum have a nice restful remainder of the weekend!

  4. Thanks for that cool Caturday video Poppy. We had not seen it before & it was a great way to start our Caturday watching all the impawtant activities kittys do on our favorite day of the week. Sounds like mom & miss belle had a fabulous girls night at the movies. Our human wants to see Train Wreck too. We think she can handle the naughty stuff 'cuz she is older than heck & it take a lot to shock her these days - just our opinion. Hope mum gets some undisturbed sleep tonight.

  5. We love the Caturday video. Our Mum plays it when she needs a smile.

  6. That video was new to us (our mom bean knows nothing!) Furry cute!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. That was a fun video. I hope your mum slept better last night.
