Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The weather has been super kind to us again this week, with some rays for sunbaking and getting mums washing dry.  There are two little benches on the little deck, and they get a bit of the sun, enough to warm my kitty body.  We even had doors and windows open to freshen up the house this evening, til about 9pm.  We can feel the chill coming though, and are glad for a few quilts on the bed to keep warm.

Can you see the white house in the back of this garden, it has a red stripe around it?  Turns out big uncle used to live there over twenty five years ago when he was a young man.  So he knew where to come when he came to visit us, as our house is only round the corner.

Mum is glad that after two early shifts this week, we will get a sleep in the next two days which will be nice.  Try as she might to get into bed before 10:30pm, the lights are seldom out before midnight, and then having to get up at 5 or 6am makes for not too much sleep.

Have a good Tuesday everybuddy.


  1. That's a lovely little sun trap Poppy!x
    You can get your little paws nice and brown...! :).
    And, the sky looks lovely to!

  2. It's funny that big uncle used to live practically next door. I guess your mum must have lived in Wellington all her life, eh?

  3. Nice place to take a sunbath!

  4. poppy Q...enjoy yur sun and yur open window time...we noe winter iz az close to ewe az summer iz two uz....N tell mum ta take a wee holiday...then her can sleep in fora few !! ♥

  5. We too have had very nice weather. Fire has been out for over a week and yes doors and windows open. More like spring than autumn. Enjoy while it lasts I say

  6. Purrs for many more mild days :)
    That bench looks great for naps.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  7. Your momma sounds like mine - she's a night owl too!

  8. We have been enjoying mild days, too! But we know Summer heat is just aroung the corner!
