Thursday, May 15, 2014


After getting up at 6am, which we know is not super early for many of you, mum felt the need to take a wee after dinner nap.  Her eyes were closing at 5.30pm, so she invited me to come and curl up on her bed for an hour or so.  She is on-call tonight, and after losing one nights sleep earlier in the week due to going in to  work at early o'clock, she knew she needed a wee nap.  I was happy to oblige and help her snooze.

So we are looking forward to the weekend and a chance to catch up on even more snoozes.

Hope you all got enough napping done today.  Truth be told I sometimes like to get a good 23 hours of snoozing done, especially in the winter time.


  1. HeHe! Poppy!x You look as though you've just woke up! :). Bless!

    I've been busy, busy...In the garden, the gun dog, Bertie, who lives next door, brought round a bunny, this morning, he caught up at the farm, so, that's tea sorted..!
    Yum! Yum!
    Bit of washing and ironing to do...
    Roll on the weekend!

  2. It has been so hot here that my human has been napping in the afternoons and working even later at night than she normally does!

  3. poppy Q...ther could bee 95 hours ina day N we wood spend 92 sleepin !!! hope yur mum & ewe haza grate fry day nite...we gotta ways ta wait for that heer yet ♥

  4. Mum laid down on her bed for a bit tonight too. Just for a short time. SAys she is glad the weekend is almost here.

  5. Hope you and mum had a good rest. No rest for the cats in my city this long weekend. Horrid fireworks! Meow, Jessica

  6. It's hard work being a bootiful ladycat. You manage it very well my dear.

    Thank you so much for your kind words while I was at the vet - we sure appreciated it. :)
