Friday, August 9, 2019


Mum wandered past this local house on the way home and liked the light shining through the living room window with the pussycat waiting for their people to come home.  She doubled back to take the photo as it made her smile.  I was waiting for her when she got home too.


  1. That's a lovely photo Poppy!x
    Did Mum say if the pussy~cat waved
    to her..or even smile..HeHe! Bless!x

  2. Poppy, dear, the sight of my two big toms silhouetted in the window as I come home at night lifts my heart, every time. (Yes, I do know they're waiting for me to open a can, but still...)

  3. Mum always looks to see if I am in the front window when she comes home. Not always, but sometimes and then she waves. Plus if I am there when she leaves she waves too.

  4. I like the warm glow of home in the twilight. For some reason, it strikes me as cosier than the same glow in the darkness of night-time. Perhaps because twilight is often when people arrive home for the evening.
