Thursday, November 19, 2020

Left, Right and Center

Mum tries to get me to do a little walk around the garden with her after work.  Sometimes I feel like it and sometimes I am just going to sit and do what I want.


  1. Yes! Mum should let you do what
    you want Poppy!x
    We really don't want to see a
    sad face on such a lovely lady! :(.
    HeHe! Bless!x

  2. Funny girl Poppy. We moms always think we can get the kids to do what we want.

  3. Sweet Poppy, it looks to me that you wish someone would do some weeding. Not mum of course but the owner needs to spray !

  4. We're all for doing whatever you feel like, Poppy. :-)

  5. poppy ya bee lookin gorgoeuz left rite & center....mum shuld take a shoppin bag out side for ewe ta chillax on whilez her iz about :) ☺☺☺ then take it back in sew ya can still smell de grate out doorz on it when yur thru :) ♥♥♥

  6. Poppy, dear, your story reminds me of the old lady sitting in her rocking chair on the porch who, when asked what she was a'doin, replied: "Sometimes I sits and rocks,
    and sometimes I just sits."

  7. Well, of course, Poppy - you're a kitty. You do what you want!

  8. You are so sweet little Poppy Q. Your little face looks as though you are saying "I am NOT going any further than this!!"
