Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Not much happening  here.  Mum went to work.  I went to sleep.  My highlight was 23 hours of sleep and mums is going to bed with a new library  book.  Living the good life.


  1. Better get this comment on before you
    go back to sleep in the next hour Poppy!x

    I've been over to John's looking at the
    kittens..HeHe! Can't drag myself away..! :).

  2. Sweet dreams Poppy. Hope mums library book give her sweet dreams too. A picture of that flower certainly would.

  3. It IS the good life, Poppy, though sometimes we think our lives have to be exciting and adventurous to be good. ♥

  4. Love the photo but where is PoppyQ ? It is usually dry here at this time so I got irrigation installed. It goes from 7pm 1 hour every second night.
    OK so now it rains a lot. It never rains but it pours. 😂

  5. poppy...that iz livin de good life; add sum bizcuitz and a shopping bag and yur set for de week.....thiz flowerz bee awesum...due ewe now what kind oh flower that iz !!! ☺☺♥♥

  6. Well, that IS the good life, Poppy and Mum! :)

  7. Another New Zealand native plant, Poppy? It's beautiful.
