Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 I often join my mother in the bedroom to keep her company.   Living by herself she seldom has to close the door.


  1. HeHe! Many years ago, l used to have
    a pussy~cat called Darlinga..
    When l laid back and relaxed in the
    bath, this little head used to peer
    up over the side of the bath..she
    would just stay there, with her paws
    on the side of the bath..but..soon as
    made a splash, she was gone..! :o).

  2. Poppy, a girl kitties are always big helps to their moms. It's nice you girls can share the apartment with no fuss. Precious likes to help me go to the basement and bring up groceries.

  3. Dear PoppyQ, you must really adore your mum. Most cats hate water. My dear late Moggy, 2nd from last used to love to walk around the garden with me and enjoy it if I showed attention to a particular flower. I don’t know if she could smell it but pretended to. In rhe 50 odd years I have had a puddy cat not one has ever done their business in my garden. How I would like to get another, from the SPCA. Still contemplating. ..will let you know pops.

  4. I share my bedroom with my cat and refer to it as ours.It is wonderful that you love your Mum so much.

  5. You should be sitting on the mat Poppy & not the cold floor. Yes Blackie is able to actually push the door open (it doesn't close properly) & waltz on in when I am there which can be kinda tricky when you have visitors!!!!

  6. Despite others' history with their cats, only Cammie ever wanted to join me in the bathroom, and then only rarely. Though when she did, she wanted to lie on my lap...

  7. Ava comes and visits us in the bathroom sometimes, too. Especially after we take a shower!

  8. I think I'm the only cat who doesn't accompany my human to the bathroom. In fact, it is often the other way around... she follows ME! Just to make sure everything is good in that area, if you know what I mean.

  9. If I ever shut the bathroom door a little paw would come under it and lots of scratching could be heard. Ivor would come and open it a fraction and Flynn would shoot in closely followed by Eric. There is no privacy with cats!
