Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas you you all.  We hope you all get to fill your bellies with treats and share some time with your loved ones.

Love Mum and Poppyq


  1. Ah! Bless! A Very Merry Christmas to you and Mum..Poppy!x
    Not quite nine 'clock over here, just had breakfast!
    Will be filling my 'belly' later..I've got a duck ready
    for the oven..my Christmas dinner won't be until next
    Sunday, when my daughter etc will be coming for the
    weekend...In the meantime, it'll be a bit quiet..but
    who knows! :). God Bless!xx 🎄✨🎄

  2. Merry Christmas, Poppy, dear! I'm hosting a potluck ladies' lunch today. Most of us usually work the holiday -- like your mum -- but somehow found ourselves off the schedule this year. We'll be short on decorations but stuffed with treats, and then we'll all go home and take nana naps with our cats. Blessings, dear Poppy, to you and your mum.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and Mum, Poppy! We are so grateful for you, and for your continued friendship. XO

  4. I hope your Christmas was a wonderful one, Poppy, you and your mum. I spent mine with the cats, and it was peaceful. That's what I want most nowadays, I think.
