Saturday, December 29, 2018


We had snippets of sunshine today.  Washing was done - mum lives having it dry outside.  Mum's bruised leg was sore yesterday and today, so mum stayed home to rest it.  So I helped her relax and it was the first day of no alarm clocks.


  1. Taking it easy, letting oneself heal and unwind, no alarm clock...that's a fabulous start to your mum's break!

  2. I'm just having a few minutes to myself..
    My daughter etc are taking the two dogs
    for a walk..I've just prepared the goose
    for tomorrow and all the other bits and
    pieces..coming together nicely!
    Looking forward to tomorrow...HeHe! A very
    late Christmas dinner...! :).

  3. Naps, plenty of naps - for both of you!

  4. That sounds like a nice day, Poppy. For you, and for Mum.
