Hi everybudyy, it was a little bit chilly here at chez Q on Caturday. The mumster and I slept in which was nice.
Mum went marketing and got corriander, onions, swede, parsnip, feijoas, capsicums and courgettes. Then mum headed out to browse a couple of shops and then to the supermarket. All up, she spent about $80 NZ for a weeks food and supplies. That is about 40 pounds or about 60 US dollars. She will still have to go back during the week for some more meat and fresh bread. Groceries are pretty pricey here, with meat and fish hugely expensive which is crazy as we grow our own meat on NZ grass, and are surrounded by oceans.
Mum is pretty proud of herself though, as she decided that this year she would take her lunch to work every day and not waste money buying it, as it was easy to spend a huge amount of money doing this. She has made it through to June, and ingrained in herself a good habit that will help with the budgetising.
So a chilly day, and after mum browsed the shops, she came home and put the heaters on. She read a few pages of her book, and then we both had a wee nap together, spooned on the big bed. Steak with potato and salsa for dinner for her - and a feast for me.
Hope you are all enjoying your Caturday.