Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Memories

Look at little me in the garden when I was an itty bitty kitty!!!  Now I am a bit girl cat that comes and hogs the bed when mum is sleeping.  I sometimes wait my time in the living room til I hear her snoring, then I can jump on the bed and find my spot without her tossing and turning.

It was nice to see some sunlight today, and our days are getting brighter in the morning and evening which is nice.  Mum might even try  hanging some washing out on the line tomorrow - exciting stuff!!!

Hope your week has started nicely.


  1. Oh! Poppy!x What a lovely photo...
    Smelling all the nice flowers..And, now of course your a lovely, lovely young pussy~cat, who knows the best place to sleep is Mum's bed...Bless!x

  2. Poppy, dear, you were a dainty doll of an itty-bitty-kitty! (We mums do like to cherish pix of our 20-pound pets when they were handfuls of fluff!)

  3. What an adorable little kitten you were! Laundry from the clothes line just smells wonderful :)

  4. You've the woman squeeing her head off!

  5. Poppy, OMC you were such a wee little kitty!

    Enjoy your cuddles with mom.
    Sasha. Sami, & Saku

  6. aww Poppy Q was a cute kitty. Nothing nicer than washing dried on the line.

  7. It sounds like spring is right around the corner, Poppy!

  8. poppy Q..thiz foto oh ewe iz priceless ♥♥♥♥♥

  9. Oh dear...our Mommy just asploded from the cute!

  10. You get more sunlight, we are starting to get less.

  11. Oh, Poppy! You just made our mom and dad squee!

  12. You were an adorable baby, Poppy! And didn't you grow up into quite the beauty. We love to see baby photos.

  13. It is good to see the sun gradually lighting more of the garden. We won't be so happy when it gets too hot.
